This site is a collection of genealogy materials collected over years by many people in my immediate and extended family.
As anyone who studies genealogy will tell you, history is not always accurately or completely documented. You are bound to find conflicting, erroneous and/or missing information. If you find errors or want to contribute additional family information, please feel free to contact me.
Special thanks to my dad, Wayne Parker Bagwell, who started documenting all the people and relationships in my family back in the 1970's and 1980's. He traveled all over the South and talked to hundreds of folks and did it 'old-school' style with paper and pencil and microfilm. It was his collection that got me started and I am appreciative of that. Also a special thank you to David Ashley Bagwell who is my uncle and Marjorie Goff Bagwell, my grand-mother, who filled many hours with great family stories and added life to these people's lives who I never met.
The information contained on this web site is under copyright either by myself or by others who have contributed to its content. This site and its contents were assembled for genealogy purposes only. I hope you enjoy.
Copyright(c) 1995 - 2025 by Hunter Bagwell