Susan J. Bagwell1

F, b. 13 March 1824, d. 6 February 1907
     Susan J. Bagwell was born on 13 March 1824 in Perry County, Alabama.1 She was the daughter of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. As of 8 February 1843,her married name was Bagwell.1 Susan J. Bagwell married Wiley Biggers Bagwell, son of James R. Bagwell and Mary Elizabeth (?), on 8 February 1843 at Perry County, Alabama.1 Susan J. Bagwell died on 6 February 1907 in Wizard Wells, Jack County, Texas, at age 82.

Children of Susan J. Bagwell and Wiley Biggers Bagwell


  1. [S517] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 65; Dwelling Number: 414; Family Number: 414, Date: 1860.

James B. Bagwell1

M, b. circa 1845, d. 18 July 1864
     James B. Bagwell was born circa 1845 in Alabama.1 He was the son of Wiley Biggers Bagwell and Susan J. Bagwell.1 James B. Bagwell died on 18 July 1864.


  1. [S517] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 65; Dwelling Number: 414; Family Number: 414, Date: 1860.

Cynthia Jane Bagwell1

F, b. 18 November 1846, d. 28 August 1869
     Cynthia Jane Bagwell was also known as Jane Bagwell.1 She was born on 18 November 1846 in Alabama.1 She was the daughter of Wiley Biggers Bagwell and Susan J. Bagwell.1 Cynthia Jane Bagwell died on 28 August 1869 in Union Parish, Louisiana, at age 22.


  1. [S517] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 65; Dwelling Number: 414; Family Number: 414, Date: 1860.

Mary Elizabeth Bagwell1

F, b. 30 April 1850, d. 9 May 1929
     Mary Elizabeth Bagwell was born on 30 April 1850 in Alabama.1 She was the daughter of Wiley Biggers Bagwell and Susan J. Bagwell.1 As of 1869,her married name was Buchanan. Mary Elizabeth Bagwell married Robert Larkin "Bob" Buchanan in 1869. Mary Elizabeth Bagwell died on 9 May 1929 in Winn Parish, Louisiana, at age 79.


  1. [S517] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 65; Dwelling Number: 414; Family Number: 414, Date: 1860.

Wiley Greenberry (Green) Bagwell1,2

M, b. 16 July 1852, d. 1923
     Wiley Greenberry (Green) Bagwell was born on 16 July 1852 in Alabama.1,2 He was the son of Wiley Biggers Bagwell and Susan J. Bagwell.1 Wiley Greenberry (Green) Bagwell married Mary Ellen Stowe on 8 June 1870 at Union Parish, Louisiana.3 Wiley Greenberry (Green) Bagwell died in 1923 in Young County, Texas.2 He was buried at Wizard Wells Cemetery, Wizard Wells, Jack County, Texas.2

Children of Wiley Greenberry (Green) Bagwell and Mary Ellen Stowe


  1. [S517] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 65; Dwelling Number: 414; Family Number: 414, Date: 1860.
  2. [S759] Wiley Greenberry (Green) Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,
  3. [S760] Mary Ellen Stowe Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,

Martin Elbert Bagwell1

M, b. circa 1856, d. 2 May 1875
     Martin Elbert Bagwell was born circa 1856 in Louisiana.1 He was the son of Wiley Biggers Bagwell and Susan J. Bagwell.1 Martin Elbert Bagwell died on 2 May 1875 in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana.


  1. [S517] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 65; Dwelling Number: 414; Family Number: 414, Date: 1860.

Ervin Coleman Bagwell1

M, b. circa 1858, d. 8 February 1879
     Ervin Coleman Bagwell was born circa 1858 in Louisiana.1 He was the son of Wiley Biggers Bagwell and Susan J. Bagwell.1 Ervin Coleman Bagwell died on 8 February 1879.


  1. [S517] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 65; Dwelling Number: 414; Family Number: 414, Date: 1860.

Furney Orin Bagwell1

M, b. 29 August 1797, d. 18 August 1864
     Furney Orin Bagwell was born on 29 August 1797 in South Carolina.2 He was the son of Warren Bagwell. On Oct. 1814 or Feb. 1, 1815, Furney Orin was drafted into the South Carolina Militia, Pendleton District, Austin's Regiment, War of 1812. He served as a private in the company commanded by Captain Jacob Reid in the regiment of which McClain was Major. He was enlisted and discharged in Pendleton District, South Carolina.
His papers conflict on the exact time of his enlistment. His Muster papers say he enlisted Feb. 1, 1815. But, his Application for Bounty Land, dated Jan. 4, 1851, states he entered the service in "the month of October previous to the declaration of peace..." Peace was officially declared Dec. 24, 1814, so this would make his enlistment in October, 1814. He was honorably discharged after serving his enlistment time of six months. He married Parthenia Bayles on 15 October 1818 at Jefferson County, Alabama.1 Furney Orin Bagwell died on 18 August 1864 in Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana, at age 66.2 He was buried at Downsville Cemetery, Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana.2

Children of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles


  1. [S730] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page: 395; Dwelling Number: 745; Family Number: 745, Date: 1850.
  2. [S3460] Furney Orin Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,
  3. [S4059] Robert Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Parthenia Bayles1

F, b. March 1801, d. 6 August 1875
     Parthenia Bayles was born in March 1801 in Washington County, Tennessee.2 She married Furney Orin Bagwell, son of Warren Bagwell, on 15 October 1818 at Jefferson County, Alabama.1 As of 15 October 1818,her married name was Bagwell. Parthenia Bayles died on 6 August 1875 in Unionville, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, at age 74.2 She was buried at Downsville Cemetery, Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana.2

Children of Parthenia Bayles and Furney Orin Bagwell


  1. [S730] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page: 395; Dwelling Number: 745; Family Number: 745, Date: 1850.
  2. [S3461] Parthenia Bayless Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,
  3. [S4059] Robert Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Marion C. Bagwell

M, b. June 1862, d. 8 December 1936
     Marion C. Bagwell was born in June 1862 in Louisiana. He was the son of Wiley Biggers Bagwell and Susan J. Bagwell. Marion C. Bagwell married Sarah Frances Cheatwood on 2 July 1892 at Lincoln Parish, Louisiana. Marion C. Bagwell died on 8 December 1936 in Winnfield, Winn Parish, Louisiana, at age 74. He was buried at Winnfield Cemetery, Winnfield, Winn Parish, Louisiana.

Andrew Jackson Bagwell

M, b. 27 June 1832, d. 16 March 1867
     Andrew Jackson Bagwell was born on 27 June 1832 in Perry County, Alabama.1 He was the son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. Andrew Jackson Bagwell married Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis, daughter of Samuel Lewis and Harriet E. Mathis, on 18 January 1855. Andrew Jackson Bagwell died on 16 March 1867 in Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana, at age 34.1 He was buried at Downsville Cemetery, Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana.1

Children of Andrew Jackson Bagwell and Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis


  1. [S762] Andrew Jackson Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis1

F, b. 10 August 1837, d. 1 February 1930
Naricissus Mahuldah ((Lewis) Bagwell - Obituary
The Times - March 8, 1930 - Page 07
     Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis was born on 10 August 1837 in Georgia.1 She was the daughter of Samuel Lewis and Harriet E. Mathis. As of 18 January 1855,her married name was Bagwell. Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis married Andrew Jackson Bagwell, son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles, on 18 January 1855. Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis lived in 1880 in 5th Ward, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana. As of 1881,her married name was McKenzie. She married William McKenzie in 1881. Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis died on 1 February 1930 in Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana, at age 92

Largest Family of Descendants In This Section of State Attend Funeral.

(From Wednesday's Daily)

With the passing of Mrs. Narcissus Mahuldy McKenzie last Saturday at the home of her son, Mr. Jack Bagwell, at the home of her son, Mr. Jack Bagwell, at Choudrant, there is closed the life chapter of another Lincoln parish pioneer mother, of whom it can be said.

"Her eyes hath seen much history
Of parish and of State -
Linked well in countless changes,
For a Nation growing great."

"Grandma," as she was affectionately known throughout several parishes, was probably the oldest woman in the parish, having reached her ninety-fifth year of life. Her health up to the hour of death was remarkably good for one of her age, and the end came just as she had oftentimes wished - soft and sudden, leaving no pain to be remembered by those who tenderly watched beside her couch.

Having for several hours previous to her call been growing weaker, she asked for a bowl of soup, and as she drank it, was cheerfully recounting to those about her, some of her experiences when this country was young and which only a pioneer woman is capable of doing, when she remarked that she was so tired and would like to rest a little while, promising to tell the sequel of her story when she was stronger. When the pillows at her head had been lowered, her breath came quick in one short gasp and her face relaxed in a smile and life was ended for one of this section's most remarkable characters in private life.

"Grandma" had this formula for long life and health: Quit work before exhaustion comes; quit eating before hunger is quite appeased; think of others first and of yourself last and keep up a firm white faith that looks to the Cross whereon was hung the burdens of the world. A beautiful philosophy that [copy skips a line] home since early childhood. During the War Between the States she was married to Andrew Jackson Bagwell, prominent in his community, and a good soldier. Then came her widowhood with six small children to rear alone. A wilderness cabin and a few acres of land and a determination to keep her little ones with her, whatever betide, represented her sum total, backed by excellent health.

"Grandma's" struggles were hard like those of some other pioneer mothers bereft of the family's head, but with a heart that was strong, looking upward with a faith she knew would hear her is more than religion!

Mrs. McKenzie was a native of Georgia, but Louisiana had been her [copy skips a line]on, her little family hung together, in spite of the advise of relatives and friends to give the children away for their board and keep. And these children tell that while they slept to the music of their mother's spinning wheel, they also awoke to it, and grew to wonder if she ever slept at all, or even went to bed.

"I'd like to die on a Saturday and be buried on Sunday." Mrs. McKenzie had been heard to remark. And it was on Sunday at Downsville, that a host of loving friends and relatives assembled at the cemetery of that little town to pay their tribute with flowers and with tears. Narcissus had been part of the name given to the little girl born in 1835, and in her hand last Sunday as she lay in her last repose, she held a narcissus blossom and her grave was heaped high with narcissi and other fragrant offerings of early Springtime.

Five of the six children of "Grandma" McKenzie are living: Mr. jack Bagwell, Miss Ellen Bagwell, Mrs. George Aulds and Mrs. Allen Lee of Choudrant, and Mr. Mallory Bagwell of the Douglas community.

One hundred and ninety children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great, great grandchildren make up the family of descendants, a large portion of this number being present at the burial at Downsville when the body was consigned to a grave besides that of her first husband. Rev. Rockett of the Downsville Baptist church, spoke the words of the ceremony with great feeling, emphasizing the depth of the beautiful religion which Mrs. McKenzie had always lived and of the blessing she had been to her community.

It was in 1881 that Mrs. McKenzie made a second marriage, her husband being W. M. McKenzie, father of the late J. M. McKenzie of Ruston, Mr. McKenzie dying several years afterward.1
She was buried at Downsville Cemetery, Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana.1

Children of Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis and Andrew Jackson Bagwell


  1. [S761] Naricissus Mahuldah Lewis Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Samuel Lewis

     Samuel Lewis married Harriet E. Mathis.

Child of Samuel Lewis and Harriet E. Mathis

Harriet E. Mathis

     Harriet E. Mathis married Samuel Lewis. Her married name was Lewis.

Child of Harriet E. Mathis and Samuel Lewis

Bayless Furney Bagwell1

M, b. December 1822, d. February 1887
     Bayless Furney Bagwell was born in December 1822 in Alabama.1 He was the son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. Bayless Furney Bagwell married Catherine Feazel on 21 January 1858.1 Bayless Furney Bagwell lived in 1880 in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana.1 He died in February 1887 in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, at age 64. He was buried at Feazel Cemetery, Union Parish, Louisiana.1,2

Children of Bayless Furney Bagwell and Catherine Feazel


  1. [S778] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: 6th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana; Enumeration District: 38; Supervisor District: 3; Page: 63, Dwelling: 523, Family Number: 536, Date: 1880.
  2. [S779] Bayless F. Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Catherine Feazel1

F, b. January 1836, d. 12 November 1879
     Catherine Feazel was born in January 1836 in Union Parish, Louisiana.1 As of 21 January 1858,her married name was Bagwell. She married Bayless Furney Bagwell, son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles, on 21 January 1858.2 Catherine Feazel died on 12 November 1879 in Louisiana at age 43.2,1 She was buried at Feazel Cemetery, Union Parish, Louisiana.1

Children of Catherine Feazel and Bayless Furney Bagwell


  1. [S780] Catherine Feazel Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,
  2. [S778] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: 6th Ward, Lincoln, Louisiana; Enumeration District: 38; Supervisor District: 3; Page: 63, Dwelling: 523, Family Number: 536, Date: 1880.

Cyntha Lintha Bagwell1

F, b. 1820, d. 19 June 1860
     Cyntha Lintha Bagwell was born in 1820 in Perry County, Alabama.1 She was the daughter of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles.1 Cyntha Lintha Bagwell died on 19 June 1860 in Union Parish, Louisiana.


  1. [S730] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page: 395; Dwelling Number: 745; Family Number: 745, Date: 1850.

Lucas Bagwell1

M, b. 1836, d. December 1863
     Lucas Bagwell was also known as Luke Bagwell.1 He was born in 1836 in Perry County, Alabama.1 He was the son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles.1 Lucas Bagwell died in December 1863 in Big Black River, Mississippi, He died as a result of a Civil War Causalty.

A pivotal battle between the Union and Confederate forces occurred along the Big Black River, culminating in the Siege of Vicksburg in the American Civil War in 1863. Commanded by General Ulysses S. Grant, Union forces defeated Confederate troops under General John C. Pemberton at the Battle of Champion Hill. Grant chased Pemberton, who was headed toward Vicksburg. Pemberton left 5,000 troops to make a stand on both sides of the Big Black River after his Champion Hill defeat, while he withdrew with his main command to nearby Vicksburg.


  1. [S730] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page: 395; Dwelling Number: 745; Family Number: 745, Date: 1850.

Leroy Trailor Bagwell1,2

M, b. 1833, d. 4 May 1907
     Leroy Trailor Bagwell was also known as Leroy C. Bagwell. He was born in 1833 in Perry County, Alabama.1 He was the son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles.1 Leroy Trailor Bagwell served the CSA during the civil war in the 20th Alabama Infantry. While he was stationed at Camp Pineville, Louisiana he wrote a letter to his mother. In the letter, he mentions his sisters. A portion of this letter was published in the book "Looking Back" by Eugene and Dhale Love.

Pvt. Co. G. 31st La. Infty. En. Sept. 9th, 1862, Elison, Ala. Transfd. from Co. C. 20th Ala.
Regt, Jan. 17th, 1863. Rolls of Prisoners of War Captured and Paroled at Vicksburg,
Miss., July 4th, 1863. Reported for Exchange at Vienna, La., March 29th, 1864. Rolls of
Prisoners of War Paroled Monroe, La., June 12th, 1865. Res., Union Par., La. Leroy Trailor Bagwell married Tabitha Mitchell, daughter of Benjamin Bryan Mitchell and Dorothea Fancher, on 7 January 1864.3 Leroy Trailor Bagwell married Leslie Barhan on 18 October 1896 at Pike County, Arkansas. Leroy Trailor Bagwell lived in 1900 in Valley Township, Hot Spring County, Arkansas.2 He died on 4 May 1907 in Sevier County, Arkansas. He was buried; He was buried in a remote logging camp.

Children of Leroy Trailor Bagwell and Tabitha Mitchell


  1. [S730] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page: 395; Dwelling Number: 745; Family Number: 745, Date: 1850.
  2. [S731] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Valley, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Emuneration District: 57, Supervisor District: 5, Sheet: 3B, Dwelling: 50, Family Number: 50, Date: 1900.
  3. [S749] Tabitha Mitchell Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Tabitha Mitchell

F, b. 23 January 1843, d. 23 January 1896
     Tabitha Mitchell was born on 23 January 1843 in Noxubee County, Mississippi.1 She was the daughter of Benjamin Bryan Mitchell and Dorothea Fancher.1 As of 7 January 1864,her married name was Bagwell. Tabitha Mitchell married Leroy Trailor Bagwell, son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles, on 7 January 1864.1 Tabitha Mitchell died on 23 January 1896 in Pike County, Arkansas, at age 53.1 She was buried at Kirby Cemetery, Pike County, Arkansas.1

Children of Tabitha Mitchell and Leroy Trailor Bagwell


  1. [S749] Tabitha Mitchell Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Benjamin Bryan Mitchell1

M, b. 15 November 1806, d. 2 December 1878
     Benjamin Bryan Mitchell was born on 15 November 1806 in South Carolina. He married Dorothea Fancher on 10 April 1830.1 Benjamin Bryan Mitchell died on 2 December 1878 in Union Parish, Louisiana, at age 72.

Child of Benjamin Bryan Mitchell and Dorothea Fancher


  1. [S749] Tabitha Mitchell Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Dorothea Fancher1

F, b. 1806
     Dorothea Fancher was born in 1806 in Sevierville, Sevier County, Tennessee.1 She married Benjamin Bryan Mitchell on 10 April 1830.1 As of 10 April 1830,her married name was Mitchell.

Child of Dorothea Fancher and Benjamin Bryan Mitchell


  1. [S749] Tabitha Mitchell Bagwell Grave Stone, Find a Grave,,

Leslie Barhan

     As of 18 October 1896,her married name was Bagwell. Leslie Barhan married Leroy Trailor Bagwell, son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles, on 18 October 1896 at Pike County, Arkansas.

Robin Bagwell

F, b. 1822, d. 1840
     Robin Bagwell was born in 1822. She was the daughter of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. Robin Bagwell died in 1840 in Perry County, Alabama.

Evan H. Bagwell

M, b. 1827, d. October 1885
     Evan H. Bagwell was born in 1827 in Perry County, Alabama. He was the son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. Evan H. Bagwell married Mary Ann "Pop" Bagwell, daughter of Warren Thomas Bagwell Jr. and Dicey McLendon, on 6 June 1850 at Union Parish, Louisiana. Evan H. Bagwell and Mary Ann Bagwell were first cousins. Evan H. Bagwell enlisted in the C.S.A as a Private on May 6, 1862 at Monroe, Louisiana. He is also shown as Ivan H. Bagwell and J. H. Bagwell. His enlistment record shows he was born in Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama, was age 34, his occupation was farmer, and he had gray eyes, dark hair, and his height was 6 feet 4 inches. On May 8, 1862 he received $50 bounty for enlisting. On July 4, 1863 his company surrendered to U.S.A. at Vicksburg, Mississippi. He was listed as a prisoner of war. On July 13, 1863 he was paroled at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Evan H. Bagwell married Eliza Catherine Moore on 10 May 1885 at Union Parish, Louisiana. Evan H. Bagwell died in October 1885 in Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana.

Children of Evan H. Bagwell and Mary Ann "Pop" Bagwell

Mary Elizabeth Bagwell

F, b. 1829, d. 1860
     Mary Elizabeth Bagwell was born in 1829 in Perry County, Alabama. She was the daughter of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. Mary Elizabeth Bagwell died in 1860.

George Washington Bagwell

M, b. 1830, d. 22 January 1870
     George Washington Bagwell was born in 1830 in Perry County, Alabama.1 He was the son of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. George Washington Bagwell married Sarah M. J. Lewis, daughter of Samuel Lewis and Harriet E. (?), on 10 June 1855 at Union County, Louisiana.1 George Washington Bagwell married Margaret Ann Feazel after 1857.1 Served in the Confederate Army in the 31st Regiment, Louisiana Infantry, Company G. George Washington Bagwell died on 22 January 1870 in Louisiana.1

Child of George Washington Bagwell and Sarah M. J. Lewis

Children of George Washington Bagwell and Margaret Ann Feazel


  1. [S1472] Email from Dorothy Bagwell dated August 2010 to Hunter Wayne Bagwell - Subject Line: Elbert Franklin Bagwell.

Thornton Rabbin Bagwell1

M, b. circa 1842, d. 10 November 1883
     Thornton Rabbin Bagwell was born circa 1842 in Perry County, Alabama.2,1 He was the son of Warren Thomas Bagwell Jr. and Dicey McLendon.1 Thornton Rabbin Bagwell appeared on the 1860 United States Federal Census for Union Parish, Louisiana, enumerated on 30 June 1860.2 He was a Private in the 31st Regiment, Louisiana Infantry, Company G in the Army of the Confederate States of America. He married Eliza Catherine Moore on 15 July 1870 at Union Parrish, Louisiana. Thornton Rabbin Bagwell married Eliza Catherine Moore on 15 July 1870 at Union Parish, Louisiana. Thornton Rabbin Bagwell and Eliza Catherine Moore appeared on the 1870 United States Federal Census for Ward 5, Union Parish, Louisiana, enumerated on 8 August 1870.3 Thornton Rabbin Bagwell and Eliza Catherine Moore appeared on the 1880 United States Federal Census for Ward 5, Union Parish, Louisiana, enumerated on 5 June 1880.4 Thornton Rabbin Bagwell died on 10 November 1883 in Union Parish, Louisiana.

Children of Thornton Rabbin Bagwell and Eliza Catherine Moore


  1. [S730] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page: 395; Dwelling Number: 745; Family Number: 745, Date: 1850.
  2. [S6136] 1860 United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Census Place: Union, Louisiana, Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Louisiana; Roll: M653_426; Page: 544; Family History Library Film: 803426, Date: June 30 1860.
  3. [S6137] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Census Place: Ward 5, Union, Louisiana, Year: 1870; Census Place: Ward 5, Union, Louisiana; Roll: M593_534; Page: 133A; Family History Library Film: 552033, Date: 1870.
  4. [S6138] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Census Place: 5th Ward, Union, Louisiana, Year: 1880; Census Place: 5th Ward, Union, Louisiana; Roll: 473; Page: 509A; Enumeration District: 089, Date: June 5, 1880.

Nancy Elizabeth Bagwell

F, b. 1832, d. 1860
     Nancy Elizabeth Bagwell was born in 1832 in Perry County, Alabama. She was the daughter of Furney Orin Bagwell and Parthenia Bayles. Nancy Elizabeth Bagwell died in 1860 in Perry County, Alabama.

James R. Bagwell1

M, b. circa 1795, d. after 1861
     James R. Bagwell was born circa 1795 in South Carolina.1 He was the son of Warren Bagwell. James R. Bagwell married Mary Elizabeth (?) after 1810.1 James R. Bagwell died after 1861.

Children of James R. Bagwell and Mary Elizabeth (?)


  1. [S1587] United States Federal Census, Washington, District of Columbia, Population Schedule: Union, Louisiana; Page 39; Dwelling Number: 247; Family Number: 247, Date: 1860.